Album Of The Day: Manowar – Into Glory Ride

Manowar – Into Glory Ride (Music For Nations -1983)

Titter at the cover and giggle at the video for Gloves Of Metal if you must. We’ve all done it. But the seething Hatred, the awe-inspiring Gates Of Valhalla and the equal parts murderous and heartrending March For Revenge (By The Soldiers Of Death) are some of the most monumental epic doom tracks you will ever hear. And if that drop-tuned intro riff to Gloves Of Metal doesn’t send you into a paroxysm of true metal joy then you are not my friend. Into Glory Ride will crush your bones and kill your face. So wipe that smile off it.

15 thoughts on “Album Of The Day: Manowar – Into Glory Ride”

      1. Sorry. I see what you mean. It does look silly but it does still give you an idea of what to expect from the music cause it’s barbarian/Conan metal and the cover does get that across. There’s why I wouldn’t say misleading as such.

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